CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) titration
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INR 5500
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CPAP Titration: Find Your Perfect Pressure for Restful SleepDo you suspect you have sleep apnea? Diagnosed and ready to start CPAP therapy? A CPAP titration study is your key to a good night's sleep with CPAP.
What is CPAP titration?
It's an overnight sleep study used to determine the ideal air pressure setting for your CPAP machine. CPAP therapy treats sleep apnea by delivering continuous airflow through a mask to keep your airway open during sleep. But the right pressure is crucial for effective treatment and comfort.
What to expect during a CPAP titration:
- You'll be fitted with a comfortable mask and hooked up to a CPAP machine.
- A sleep technician will monitor you throughout the night.
- The technician will adjust the CPAP pressure throughout the sleep study to eliminate breathing pauses (apneas) and sleep disruptions.
- By morning, you'll have your personalized pressure setting for optimal therapy.
Benefits of CPAP titration:
- Effective treatment: The right pressure setting ensures your airway stays open and eliminates sleep apnea events.
- Improved sleep quality: Proper treatment translates to better sleep, leaving you feeling more rested and energized.
- Enhanced comfort: The study allows for mask adjustments and finding a pressure that feels comfortable for a full night's sleep.